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When Paul wrote EPHESIANS, he wanted his readers to see God's eternal purpose for the church. Paul claimed to have received a revelation about the church that had never before been known-that the church would be comprised of both Jewish and Gentiles, sharing equal status in the body as coheirs, comembers of the body, and joint partakers. He wrote about this revelation so that all the believers...

stand. NKJV Therefore, the believers’ response to the reality of this warfare should be to take up the whole armor of God. The armor is ready for us; we merely need to take it. This changes the clothing metaphor slightly from 4:24, where Paul had instructed the believers to “put on” the new self. “Take up” is a technical military term describing preparation for battle. The armor is available, but the believer-soldier must “take it up” in order to be ready. We would be neglectful to do otherwise,
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