
Logic and the Way of Jesus: Thinking Critically and Christianly is unavailable, but you can change that!

Logic and the Way of Jesus argues that Christians have failed to engage the culture deeply because they have failed to emphasize and value a Christian intellect. In part one, Dickinson recaptures the need for a Christian worldview, highlighting the use of reason, logic, and evidence to develop and defend Christian beliefs. Part two highlights the way Jesus was an intellectual thinker and employed...

lots more of these. But things have shifted and, in this shift, the Christian impact on culture has greatly diminished. Why has our impact on culture become so paltry? It’s certainly not because we lack the numbers to have an impact. In the United States, as of 2015, evangelical Christians alone made up around 25 percent of the population.4 Combining all other broadly Christian views (Roman Catholic, mainline Protestant, etc.), the percentage jumps up to around 70 percent of
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