
300 Sermon Illustrations from Charles Spurgeon is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book you’ll find 300 of the best illustrations Spurgeon used in his sermons. These have not previously appeared in the other Spurgeon illustration collections Feathers for Arrows, Barbed Arrows from the Quiver of C. H. Spurgeon, or Flashes of Thought. Instead, they have been carefully selected from his volumes of sermons. These illustrations are also labeled with preaching themes and...

John, if you go out for a day’s fishing another time, kindly leave me the key.” He had had a happy day of prayer and study all by himself. If it had been some of us, we would have been fuming, and fretting, and working up a nice lecture for John when he came back. And he richly deserved it, but I do not suppose it was worthwhile for the good man to put himself out about him.5