
Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church is unavailable, but you can change that!

The church is experiencing a leadership crisis. For every celebrity pastor exiting in the spotlight, there are hundreds of lesser-known pastors leaving in the shadows. Why are so many pastors leaving the ministry? Best-selling author Paul David Tripp suggests that lurking behind the failure of a pastor is a weak leadership community. Turning to Scripture for guidance, Tripp presents readers...

turned inside out and upside down by the progressive work of transforming grace. Yes, there are facilities that need to be designed and built, there are programs that need to be established and staffed, and there are events that need to be scheduled, but these things must not be viewed as the heart of the ministry work to which we have been called as a leadership community, and they must not dominate our ministry energy, efforts, conversations, and decisions, and they surely must not define the way
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