
Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion is unavailable, but you can change that!

Are you leading on empty? If you’re a church or ministry leader, you probably identify with Wayne Cordeiro’s experience of being overwhelmed by the demands of ministry. At times you may find yourself depleted of energy and longing to escape the constant pressure. In Leading on Empty, Wayne Cordeiro candidly shares his experience with the hope that it will encourage others headed down the same...

A few months later while guest teaching at a seminary, I struck up a casual conversation with a pastor from Canada. We began talking about the diminishing shelf life of pastors and leaders: how those whose vocation is all about giving out are wearing out. “I was there,” he reflected. “I was ready to pull the plug, but just at that time I graciously received an offer to enroll in this degree program through a full scholarship. It was a lifesaver for me. I had come to a point where
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