
Liberating the Leader’s Prayer Life is unavailable, but you can change that!

All Christians need to pray. But the pressures of ministry can work against prayer. Busyness. Distractions. Inconsistency. All block the quiet time needed for prayer. Yet all are part of local church ministry. When administration, counseling, and even preaching responsibilities intrude on time with God, the power source of ministry is cut off—guilt about prayer results. This is a book about...

weed free, and beautiful. The back yard is not so good. It’s utilitarian; it’s mowed but not manicured. Some weeds grow around the edges, and there are patches of brown. It could use watering. My front yard is like my corporate, public spiritual life. My back yard is like my personal prayer life. I’d like to know how other pastors manicure the back yard as well as the front.” Monismith speaks for many of his peers. Most Christian leaders desire a stronger prayer life. In a survey of LEADERSHIP readers
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