
LD111 Foundations of Christian Leadership is unavailable, but you can change that!

Foundations of Christian Leadership (LD111) is presented by a team of six respected Mobile Ed speakers—Justin Irving, Greg Ogden, Bev Hislop, Jeff Struecker, Michael W. Goheen, and Timothy Sisk—who write and teach on leadership, discipleship, pastoral care, chaplaincy, missiology, and church planting. This course introduces Christian leadership, insights on how to grow as a leader and disciple...

No church can be missional without leaders who are pacesetters and pioneers. It’s simply going to be impossible if there’s not a cluster of leaders who will set the pace. Think of that track imagery of the person who gets out in front and runs at a certain pace and invites others to keep that pace. Or think of the image of a pioneer who goes into unexplored territory and leads the way so others can follow. No church will be missional unless we have leaders that have that kind of pacesetting or pioneering