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de Dios o de Cristo • individuos en particular: Lc 1:38, 48; 2:29; Hch 4:29; 16:17; Ro 1:1; 2 Co 4:5; Flp 1:1; Col 1:7; 4:7, 12; Stg 1:1; 2 Pe 1:1; Jud 1; Ap 1:1; 15:3 • en general: Hch 2:18; 2 Ti 2:24; 1 Pe 2:16; Ap 2:20; 7:3; 19:2; 22:3
de hombres: Tit 2:9 (cp. Ga 4:22–23, 30–31)
Cristo en forma de: Flp 2:7
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