The Lexham Bible Dictionary
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Philip the Evangelist A deacon chosen to oversee the distribution to the poor (Acts 6:5). One of the first Christians to preach the gospel outside Jerusalem.

The narrative of Acts 8 depicts Philip as the first missionary to Samaria, where he encounters the magician Simon (Acts 8:4–13). In response to Philip’s success spreading the gospel, Peter and John travel from Jerusalem to Samaria and pray for the converts there to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14–17).

After Philip’s mission to Samaria, an angel instructs him to go to the road between Gaza and Jerusalem. There, he preaches to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26–39). After Philip baptizes the eunuch, the Holy Spirit transports him to Azotus (ancient Ashdod), 20 miles north of Gaza (Witherington III, Acts, 300). At the conclusion of Acts 8, Philip is preaching the gospel on the Mediterranean coast, from Azotus to Caesarea.

After Philip’s activities near Gaza and Azotus in Acts 8, he is absent from the narrative until Acts 21:8–9, which mentions him living in Caesarea with his four daughters.


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