The Lexham Bible Dictionary
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Hosea the Prophet (הוֹשֵׁעַ, hoshea'). A prophet whose predominantly punitive oracles are recorded in the book of Hosea. His name means “Yahweh has rescued,” and he prophesied in the eighth century bc during the reigns of Uzziah and Jeroboam II. At God’s command, Hosea married a harlot for the purpose of analogizing Israel’s unfaithfulness.

Following Jeroboam II’s successful military campaigns (2 Kgs 14:25–26), Israel experienced a time of economic prosperity and freedom. However, as the Israelites’ wealth increased, their spiritual condition decreased—ultimately leading them to abandon their covenant with God (Hos 6:7; 8:1).

Hosea metaphorically portrayed the theme of covenant-breaking as a marriage, with his unfaithful wife, Gomer, depicting Israel’s unfaithfulness toward God. Israel manifested its unfaithfulness most poignantly in its apostasy (4:1–13). Instead of trusting in God, Israel’s leaders led the nation astray by seeking foreign alliances (Hos 5:13). Because of the nation’s spiritual adultery, Hosea pronounced many oracles of judgment that are recorded in Hos 4–12. These judgments are characteristic of the language conveyed in the Deuteronomical curses (Deut 28:17–18; 32:24–28). The book of Hosea ends with a flicker of hope, however, stating that God, Israel’s faithful husband, will not give up on His bride. He promises to heal her and bring her back in the land (Hos 14:1–9).


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