
The Law of Perfect Freedom: Relating to God and Others through the Ten Commandments is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Ten Commandments. No other document has done more to shape the values of Western civilization. And yet, God’s rules remain no less controversial today than when Moses presented his infamous stone tablets to the nation of Israel. Even now, their role in our courts and schools is under scrutiny and has sparked heated debate. But just as important as this public discussion is a more private...

CHAPTER SIX HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE Honor your father and your mother. “I was somebody once,” Marguerite announced in a broken Swiss accent. Like many of the elderly folks at the rest home my parents owned while I was growing up, Marguerite had a life that included glamor and excitement. A hairdresser to European royalty, she had a million stories and told each in a low voice, as though she were leaking forbidden information anonymously to the press. Helen spent most of her life as a missionary