
Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament (Second Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

We cannot know Jesus without knowing his story. Today the debate over who Jesus is rages on. Has the Bible bound Christians to a narrow and mistaken notion of Jesus? Should we listen to other gospels, other sayings of Jesus, that enlarge and correct a mistaken story? Is the real Jesus entangled in a web of the church’s Scripture, awaiting liberation from our childhood faith so he might speak to...

people (Old Testament Israel). They were called into existence for the sake of God’s redemptive purpose for all the nations. They experienced God’s redeeming grace. They lived in covenant relationship with him, in the inheritance of the land he had given to them. The central section (from David to the exile) also had its vital lessons, which the historical books and the books of the prophets made clear. One affirmation was that Yahweh, the God of Israel, was in sovereign control of world history—
Pages 31–32