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The most comprehensive KJV study Bible published in 50 years, it is packed with thousands of notes and insights from respected conservative scholars. It includes in-text doctrinal footnotes, personality profiles, archaeological information, special articles, maps, and over 5,700 annotations in a unique format, offering a broad understanding of the Bible and how it relates to the world we live in...

3:10. This verse presents a promise that Christ will rapture genuine believers out of the world before the Tribulation period begins. The hour of temptation is the period of worldwide testing (Gr. peirasmos) which has not yet occurred (cf. Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21, 29). Christ promises to keep them from (Gr. ek, “out of”) the period of the Tribulation. That is, they will not even enter into this period of history. The Tribulation is for the purpose of trying or judging them that dwell upon the earth,
Revelation 3:10