
The Baptist Catechism, Commonly Called Keach’s Catechism: Or, a Brief Instruction in the Principles of the Christian Religion is unavailable, but you can change that!

Published in 1693 by British Baptists, this historic catechism was frequently used to catechize congregations and children. Commonly attributed to Benjamin Keach, it is now thought likely compiled by William Collins. A Reformed Baptist catechism, it provides 118 questions and answers from Scripture, used to teach the basics of the faith. It holds to a Calvinistic principles, being similar to the...

Q. 10. What are the decrees of God? A. The decrees of God are his eternal purpose, according to the counsel of his will, whereby for his own glory, he hath fore-ordained whatsoever comes to pass. Q. 11. How does God execute his decrees? A. God executes his decrees in the works of creation and providence. Q. 12. What is the work of creation? A. The work of creation is God’s making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good. Q. 13. How did God create
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