
Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses: Subject by Subject is unavailable, but you can change that!

Topic-by-topic, readers can use this alphabetically organized guidebook to learn what Jehovah's Witnesses teach. Not all teachings developed by the Watchtower Society relate to Scripture, and not all Jehovah's Witnesses are prepared to compare interpretations of the Bible. These brief articles, organized according to subject, help readers quickly understand the basics of the group's history,...

In most cases it is necessary for a Witness first to discover that the Watchtower organization is a false prophet incapable of providing salvation, second to recognize a personal need for the Savior Jesus Christ, and third to undertake a systematic study with the aim of deprogramming and relearning. Watchtower ideas must be removed from the brain one by one and be replaced with accurate Bible understanding. Even at that point in time it is usually best to approach theological questions with a JW