
The Just Shall Live By Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book is a thought provoking study of a great text of Scripture which occurs four times in the Bible. Its message, "the just shall live by faith," is carefully examined in each of the four contexts where it is found. Since the verse commonly is used in evangelism, the initial thrust of the book is to discover whether this actually is a text calling the unbeliever to faith in Christ or if the...

Nevertheless, there is a message of assurance in Habakkuk 2 for the prophet and for those who had remained faithful to the Lord within the city’s walls. The reason was that the Eternal Lord is just and He would protect His own within the capital. It is the text which is the source text for the three places in the New Testament where it is quoted. “The just shall live by his faith” (2:4 KJV). An expanded translation of this Hebrew verse follows. “… But the one who has been counted righteous will continue