
The Just Shall Live By Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book is a thought provoking study of a great text of Scripture which occurs four times in the Bible. Its message, "the just shall live by faith," is carefully examined in each of the four contexts where it is found. Since the verse commonly is used in evangelism, the initial thrust of the book is to discover whether this actually is a text calling the unbeliever to faith in Christ or if the...

But, believer, you are one of the motivating reasons for all of Job’s trials which was in the mind of God over five millennia ago. Job’s experiences were designed to be incorporated into Scripture so that you today can benefit greatly spiritually by meditating on the trials, the spiritual responses and the rewards of that great saint of old. Cannot your Eternal Lord have the right to choose to bless other saints whom you may not even know by the trials of your life also? But why? What exalted goal