
Jesus Wept: The Significance of Jesus’ Laments in the New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Lament does not seem to be a pervasive feature of the New Testament, particularly when viewed in relation to the Old Testament. A careful investigation of the New Testament, however, reveals that it thoroughly incorporates the pattern of Old Testament lament into its proclamation of the gospel, especially in the person of Jesus Christ as he both prays and embodies lament. As an act that...

unchanging nature in this regard.) Indeed, while the Son laments as he dies, subtle clues in the text suggest that the Father simultaneously mourns the death of the Son. ‘As “Rachel” weeps at the slaughter of her children in Bethlehem, so God himself seems to mourn at the death of Jesus, ripping the curtain of the Temple from top to bottom as human mourners rip their clothes in a gesture of grief’.55 (In this regard, the suffering God theologians properly emphasize God’s personal involvement in human
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