
Jesus’s Final Week: From Triumphal Entry to Empty Tomb is unavailable, but you can change that!

A guide to Jesus’s key experiences and teachings on each day of Holy Week, Jesus’s Final Week by professor and pastor William F. Cook III doesn’t merely comment on the events themselves but studies the key biblical passages carefully, evaluating their meaning and significance, while also highlighting the importance of Old Testament references. Each chapter further includes application suggestions...

While Judas led the way in criticizing Mary, the other disciples followed his lead quickly. The contrast between Mary and Judas is also striking. Their thoughts were completely different on this occasion. On the one hand, Mary demonstrated that no expense was too great to express her love for Jesus. Judas, on the other hand, was concerned with the financial loss. While Mary worshipped, Judas scorned and seethed over the loss of potential income into the coffer (v. 5). John indicates that Judas was
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