
Jesus’s Final Week: From Triumphal Entry to Empty Tomb is unavailable, but you can change that!

A guide to Jesus’s key experiences and teachings on each day of Holy Week, Jesus’s Final Week by professor and pastor William F. Cook III doesn’t merely comment on the events themselves but studies the key biblical passages carefully, evaluating their meaning and significance, while also highlighting the importance of Old Testament references. Each chapter further includes application suggestions...

humans, then the crowds would stone them; but if they said it was from God, then they would be asked why they refused to be baptized by John. Since they did not answer Jesus’s question, he refused to answer theirs. Jesus responded to the leaders by asking another question: “What do you think?” He went on to tell three parables.3 In the first parable Jesus drew a contrast between two sons (Matt 21:28–32). The father in the story approached the first son and asked him to go to work in the vineyard.
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