
Exploring Galatians: An Expository Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

This commentary on the book of Galatians provides pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of Scripture with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Working from the King James Version, John Phillips not only provides helpful commentary on the text, but also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations. Anyone wanting...

death to the flesh: “They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts,” Paul says (v. 24). He is saying that the fruit of the Spirit cannot be generated by any energy or efforts of the flesh. The Judaizers were offering the Galatians the Law as a means of restraining the evil tendencies of the flesh. Paul knew only too well (Rom. 7) that the Law, far from restraining such tendencies, only stimulated them to greater activity. The fruit of the Spirit cannot be produced
Galatians 5:24