
John Chrysostom is unavailable, but you can change that!

John Chrysostom could perhaps be called an enigma of his day. He had neither desire for politics nor ambition for ecclesiastical advancement. He preferred to live the simple life of an ascetic and had no cravings for the fame, riches, or luxuries that came with life in the metropolitan cities of his day. However, in God’s great providence, he is now recognized as one of the Doctors of the Church....

with its original purpose. Application could and must come later, but first, the exegete had to determine, via careful historical and grammatical study, the original intent of God through the inspired text. To the literalist, allegory undermined divine inspiration and unlawfully allowed each preacher (or reader) to make the verse or passage say what he wanted it to say. The epicentre of this literal hermeneutic was Antioch, and the Antiochene school of interpretation held sway in several strategic
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