
The Journal of Modern Ministry, Volume 3, Issue 3, Fall 2006 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Journal of Modern Ministry covers a wide spectrum of topics that are applicable to scholars, pastors, and anyone wishing to pursue good Christian living. Highly accessible to all, this journal contains practical information on all aspects of life, as well as a vast array of theological materials. Counseling, pastoral care, parenting, family life, book reviews, and medicine are just a few of the...

imprisonment, or removal from the community.”1 However, we cannot create categories or exceptions to God’s standards of marriage. It is His institution, to be regulated by His standards, and man has no liberty to make an exception where God has not. Counselors must be compassionate and caring, but still maintain the biblical position. While certainly difficult, such situations call for the response that God has enjoined. Namely, she must pursue the chaste and respectful behavior of a godly wife with
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