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John Bevere has served as a teacher of the Word since he founded Messenger International in 1990. With his wife, Lisa, he is a popular conference speaker and host of the worldwide television ministry show, The Messenger. An international best-selling author, his books have been printed in in over 40 languages. Now over fifty of his sermons will be available in the Logos format. For over...

You put a frog in a kettle and that kettle is room temperature and you turn on the fire and you boil that water, that frog will sit there and die. He will not jump out even though he can. If you threw him into boiling water, he would jump out. Let me tell you something. When the love of God begins to grow cold, it’s a growing, it’s not an instant, you don’t notice it. Keep yourself from the offense because it is massive, it’s rampant and Jesus said, “It would occur massively in the last days.” That’s