

third series.

Job 25:1–6. Bildad’s Reply.

He tries to show Job’s rashness (Job 23:3), by arguments borrowed from Eliphaz (Job 15:15), with which compare Job 11:17.

2. Power and terror, that is, terror-inspiring power.

peace in his high places—implying that His power is such on high as to quell all opposition, not merely there, but on earth also. The Holy Ghost here shadowed forth Gospel truths (Col 1:20; Eph 1:10).

3. armies—angels and stars (Is 40:26; Je 33:22; Ge 15:5; “countless,” Da 7:10).

his light—(Jam 1:17).

4. (Job 4:17, 18; 14:4; 15:14).

5. “Look up even unto the moon” (Job 15:15). “Stars” here answer to “saints” (angels); the moon” here to “the heavens” there. Even the “stars,” the most dazzling object to man’s eye, and the angels, of which the stars are emblems (Job 4:18; Rev 9:1), are imperfect in His sight. Theirs is the light and purity but of creatures; His of the Creator.

6. (Job 4:19–21; 15:16).

worm … worm—Two distinct Hebrew words. The first, a worm bred in putridity; alluding to man’s corruption. The second a crawling worm; implying that man is weak and grovelling.


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