

Is 10:1–4. Fourth strophe.

1. them that decree—namely, unrighteous judges.

write grievousness, &c.—not the scribes, but the magistrates who caused unjust decisions (literally, “injustice” or “grievousness”) to be recorded by them (Is 65:6) [Maurer], (Is 1:10, 23).

2. To turn aside, &c.—The effect of their conduct is to pervert the cause of the needy [Horsley]. In English Version “from judgment” means “from obtaining justice.”

take away the right—“make plunder of the right” (rightful claim) [Horsley].

3. what will ye do—what way of escape will there be for you?

visitation—of God’s wrath (Is 26:14; Job 35:15; Ho 9:7).

from far—from Assyria.

leave … glory—rather, “deposit (for safekeeping) your wealth” [Lowth]. So Ps 49:17.

4. Without me—not having Me to “flee to” (Is 10:3).

bow down—Bereft of strength they shall fall; or else, they shall lie down fettered.

under … under—rather, “among” (literally, “in the place of”) [Horsley]. The “under” may be, however, explained, “trodden under the (feet of the) prisoners going into captivity,” and “overwhelmed under the heaps of slain on the battlefield” [Maurer].

Is 10:5–32 and Is 11:12. Destruction of the Assyrians; Coming of Messiah; Hymn of Praise.

Is 10:9, 11 show that Samaria was destroyed before this prophecy. It was written when Assyria proposed (a design which it soon after tried to carry out under Sennacherib) to destroy Judah and Jerusalem, as it had destroyed Samaria. This is the first part of Isaiah’s prophecies under Hezekiah. Probably between 722 and 715 b.c. (see Is 10:27).

5. O Assyrian, &c.—rather, “What, ho (but Maurer, Woe to the) Assyrian! He is the rod and staff of Mine anger (My instrument in punishing, Je 51:20; Ps 17:13). In their hands is Mine indignation” [Horsley, after Jerome]. I have put into the Assyrians’ hands the execution of Mine indignation against My people.

6. send him—“Kings’ hearts are in the hand of the Lord” (Pr 21:1).

hypocritical—polluted [Horsley].

nation—Judah, against whom Sennacherib was forming designs.

of my wrath—objects of My wrath.

give … charge—(Je 34:22).

and to tread, &c.—Horsley translates: “And then to make him (the Assyrian) a trampling under foot like the mire of the streets” (so Is 10:12; Is 33:1; Zec 10:5). But see Is 37:26.

7. meaneth not so—He is only thinking of his own schemes, while God is overruling them to His purposes.

think—intend. Sinners’ plans are no less culpable, though they by them unconsciously fulfil God’s designs (Ps 76:10; Mic 4:12). So Joseph’s brethren (Ge 50:20; Pr 16:4). The sinner’s motive, not the result (which depends on God), will be the test in judgment.

heart to destroy … not a few—Sennacherib’s ambition was not confined to Judea. His plan was also to conquer Egypt and Ethiopia (Is 20:1–6; Zec 1:15).

8. Vauntings of the Assyrians. Illustrated by the self-laudatory inscriptions of Assyria deciphered by Hincks.

princes … kings—Eastern satraps and governors of provinces often had the title and diadem of kings. Hence the title, “King of kings,” implying the greatness of Him who was over them (Ez 26:7; Ezr 7:12).

9. Is not … as—Was there any one of these cities able to withstand me? Not one. So Rab-shakeh vaunts (Is 36:19).

Calno—Calneh, built by Nimrod (Ge 10:10), once his capital, on the Tigris.

Carchemish—Circesium, on the Euphrates. Taken afterwards by Necho, king of Egypt; and retaken by Nebuchadnezzar: by the Euphrates (Je 46:2).

Hamath—in Syria, north of Canaan (Ge 10:18). Taken by Assyria about 753 b.c. From it colonists were planted by Assyria in Samaria.

Arpad—near Hamath.

Samaria—now overthrown.

Damascus—(Is 17:1, 3).

10. found—unable to resist me: hath overcome (so Ps 21:8).

and whose—rather, “and their.” This clause, down to “Samaria,” is parenthetical.

excel—were more powerful. He regards Jerusalem as idolatrous, an opinion which it often had given too much ground for: Jehovah was in his view the mere local god of Judea, as Baal of the countries where it was adored, nay, inferior in power to some national gods (Is 36:19, 20, 37:12). See in opposition, Is 37:20; 46:1.

As my hand … shall I not, as I have—a double protasis. Agitation makes one accumulate sentences.

12. whole work—His entire plan is regard to the punishment of the Jews (Is 10:5–7).

Zion—the royal residence, the court, princes and nobles; as distinguished from “Jerusalem,” the people in general.

fruit—the result of, that is, the plants emanating from.

stoutHebrew, “greatness of,” that is, pride of.


13. I am prudent—He ascribes his success to his own prudence, not to God’s providence.

removed the bounds—set aside old, and substituted new boundaries of kingdoms at will. A criminal act, as Jehovah Himself had appointed the boundaries of the nations (De 32:8).

treasures—“hoarded treasures” [Horsley].

put down … inhabitants like, &c.—rather, “as a valiant man, I have brought down (from their seats) those seated” (namely, “on thrones”; as in Ps 2:4; 29:10; 55:19. The Hebrew for “He that abideth,” is He that sitteth on a throne); otherwise, “I have brought down (as captives into Assyria, which lay lower than Judea; therefore ‘brought down,’ compare Is 36:1, 10), the inhabitants” [Maurer].

14. nest—implying the ease with which he carried off all before him.

left—by the parent bird.

none … moved … wing—image from an angry bird resisting the robbery of its “nest.”

peeped—chirped even low (Is 8:19). No resistance was offered me, of deed, or even word.

15. Shall the instrument boast against Him who uses it? Though free in a sense, and carrying out his own plans, the Assyrian was unconsciously carrying out God’s purposes.

shaketh it—moves it back and forward,

staff … lift … itself … no wood—rather, “as if the staff (man, the instrument of God’s judgments on his fellow man) should set aside (Him who is) not wood” (not a mere instrument, as man). On “no wood” compare De 32:21, “that which is not God;Is 31:8 shows that God is meant here by “not wood” [Maurer].

16. fat ones—(Is 5:17). The robust and choice soldiers of Assyria (Ps 78:31, where “fattest” answers in the parallelism to “chosen,” or “young men,” Margin).

leanness—carrying out the image on “fat ones.” Destruction (Ps 106:15). Fulfilled (Is 37:36).

his glory—Assyria’s nobles. So in Is 5:13, Margin; Is 8:7.

kindle—a new image from fire consuming quickly dry materials (Zec 12:6).

17, 18. light of Israel—carrying out the image in the end of Is 10:16. Jehovah, who is a light to Israel, shall be the “fire” (De 4:24; Heb 12:29) that shall ignite the “thorns,” (the Assyrians, like dry fuel, a ready prey to flame).

18. glory of his forest—The common soldiers, the princes, officers, &c., all alike together, shall be consumed (see on Is 9:18).

in one day—(Is 37:36).

fruitful field—literally, “Carmel,” a rich mountain in the tribe of Asher. Figurative for Sennacherib’s mighty army. Perhaps alluding to his own boasting words about to be uttered (Is 37:24), “I will enter the forest of his Carmel.”

soul and body—proverbial for utterly; the entire man is made up of soul and body.

as when a standard bearer fainteth—rather, “they shall be as when a sick man” (from a Syriac root) wastes away.” Compare “leanness,” that is, wasting destruction (Is 10:16) [Maurer]. Or, “there shall be an entire dissipation, like a perfect melting” (namely, of the Assyrian army) [Horsley].

19. rest—those who shall survive the destruction of the host.

his forest—same image as in Is 10:18, for the once dense army.

child … write—so few that a child might count them.

20. The effect on the “remnant” (contrasted with the Assyrian remnant, Is 10:19); namely, those who shall be left after the invasion of Sennacherib, will be a return from dependence on external idolatrous nations, as Assyria and Egypt (2 Ki 18:21; 16:7–9), to the God of the theocracy; fulfilled in part in the pious Hezekiah’s days; but from the future aspect under which Paul, in Ro 9:27, 28 (compare “short work” with “whole work,” Is 10:12, here), regards the whole prophecy, the “remnant,” “who stay upon the Lord,” probably will receive their fullest realization in the portion of Jews left after that Antichrist shall have been overthrown, who shall “return” unto the Lord (Is 6:13; 7:3; Zec 12:9, 10; Zep 3:12).

21. mighty God—(Is 9:6) the God who shall have evinced such might in destroying Israel’s enemies. As the Assyrians in Sennacherib’s reign did not carry off Judah captive, the returning “remnant” cannot mainly refer to this time.

22. yet—rather in the sense in which Paul quotes it (Ro 9:27), “Though Israel be now numerous as the sand, a remnant only of them shall return”—the great majority shall perish. The reason is added, Because “the consumption (fully completed destruction) is decreed (literally, decided on, brought to an issue), it overfloweth (Is 30:28; 8:8) with justice”; that is, the infliction of just punishment (Is 5:16) [Maurer].

23. even determined—“A consumption, and whatever is determined,” or decreed [Maurer].

midst—Zion, the central point of the earth as to Jehovah’s presence.

land—Israel. But the Septuagint, “in the whole habitable world.” So English Version (Ro 9:28), “upon the earth.”

24. Therefore—Return to the main proposition, Assyria’s ultimate punishment, though employed as God’s “rod” to chastise Judea for a time.

O my people—God’s tenderness towards His elect nation.

after the manner of Egypt—as Egypt and Pharaoh oppressed thee. Implying, too, as Israel was nevertheless delivered from them, so now it would be from the Assyrian Sennacherib. The antithesis in Is 10:26 requires this interpretation [Maurer].

25. For—Be not afraid (Is 10:24), for

indignation … cease—The punishments of God against Israel shall be consummated and ended (Is 26:20; Da 11:36). “Till the indignation be accomplished,” &c.

mine anger—shall turn to their (the Assyrians’) destruction.

26. slaughter of—“stroke upon.”

Midian—(Is 9:4; Jdg 7:25).

as his rod was upon the sea—rather, understanding “stroke” from the previous clause, “according to the stroke of His rod upon the Red Sea” (Ex 14:16, 26). His “rod” on the Assyrian (Is 10:24, 26) stands in bold contrast to the Assyrian used as a “rod” to strike others (Is 10:5).

after the manner of Egypt—as He lifted it up against Egypt at the Red Sea.

27. his burden—the Assyrians oppression (Is 9:3). Judah was still tributary to Assyria; Hezekiah had not yet revolted, as he did in the beginning of Sennacherib’s reign.

because of—(Ho 10:15).

the anointing—namely, “Messiah” (Da 9:24). Just as in Is 9:4–6, the “breaking of the yoke of” the enemies’ “burden and staff” is attributed to Messiah,For unto us a child is born,” &c., so it is here. Maurer not so well translates, “Because of the fatness”; an image of the Assyrians fierce and wanton pride drawn from a well-fed bull tossing off the yoke (De 32:15). So Is 10:16 above, and Is 5:17, “fat ones.”

28. Onward gradual march of Sennacherib’s army towards Jerusalem, and the panic of the inhabitants vividly pictured before the eyes.

come tocome upon as a sudden invader (Ge 34:27).

Aiath—same as Ai (Jos 7:2; Ne 7:32). In the north of Benjamin; so the other towns also; all on the line of march to Jerusalem.

Michmash—nine miles northeast of Jerusalem.

laid up … carriages—He has left his heavier baggage (so “carriages” for the things carried, Ac 21:15) at Michmash, so as to be more lightly equipped for the siege of Jerusalem. So 1 Sa 17:22; 25:13; 30:24 [Jerome and Maurer].

29. passage—the jaws of the wady or defile at Michmash (1 Sa 13:23).

lodging—their quarters for the night, after having passed the defile which might have been easily guarded against them.

Ramah—near Geba; seven miles from Jerusalem.

Gibeah of Saul—his birthplace and residence, in Benjamin (1 Sa 11:4), distinct from Gibeah of Judah (Jos 15:57).

30. daughter of GallimGallim and her sons (see on Is 1:8; 2 Ki 19:21). “Cry aloud in consternation.”

Laish—not the town in Dan (Jdg 18:7), but one of the same name near Jerusalem (1 Maccabees 9:9).

Anathoth—three miles from Jerusalem in Benjamin; the birthplace of Jeremiah. “Poor” is applied to it in pity, on account of the impending calamity. Others translate, Answer her, O Anathoth.

31. Madmenah—not the city in Simeon (Jos 15:31), but a village near Jerusalem.

removed—fled from fear.

gather themselves to flee—“put their goods in a place of safety” [Maurer].

32. that day—literally, “As yet this (one only) day (is allowed to the soldiers) for remaining (halting for rest) at Nob”; northeast of Jerusalem on Olivet; a town of the priests (Ne 11:32).

daughter—rightly substituted for the Chetib reading, house. His “shaking his hand” in menace implies that he is now at Nob, within sight of Jerusalem.

33. bough—literally, the “beauty” of the tree; “the beautiful branch.”

high ones of stature—“the upright stem,” as distinguished from the previous “boughs” [Horsley].

34. This verse and Is 10:33 describe the sudden arrest and overthrow of Sennacherib in the height of his success Is 10:18, 19; Ez 31:3, 14, &c., contain the same image; “Lebanon” and its forest are the Assyrian army; the “iron” axe that fells the forest refers to the stroke which destroyed the one hundred and eighty-five thousand Assyrians (2 Ki 19:35). The “Mighty One” is Jehovah (Is 10:21; Is 9:6).


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