
The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition is unavailable, but you can change that!

Much New Testament scholarship from the last two hundred years has seen fit, to one degree or another, to relegate the Jesus tradition as recorded in the Gospels to the realm of legend. But is this really what the evidence points to? By drawing together recent scholarship from a variety of fields, including history, anthropology, ethnography, folklore, and New Testament studies, Paul Eddy and...

for critical historians, for the integrity of their work depends on their striving to be objective in their investigations. According to Harvey, therefore, critical historians must adopt a uniform approach to all miraculous claims and thus conclude, as a matter of methodological principle, that they are all myth, legend, or intentional fabrication. Second, according to Harvey, accepting any miraculous claim as historical would put us back in the “naive and mythologically minded” stage of human development.
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