
The Journal of Pastoral Practice: Volume 9, Number 4, 1989 is unavailable, but you can change that!

For nearly 30 years, the Journal of Biblical Counseling (previously the Journal of Pastoral Practice) of CCEF (the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) has provided a forum for biblical counseling’s development and application. The journal’s mission is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling through articles that faithfully bring the God of truth,...

arm on one side and a number of short ones on the other. Impulses are picked up by the short arms and sent to the next cell through the long arm. Nerves and the spinal cord basically are made up of the long arms of many nerve cells. The nerve cell with its long sending arm and short receiving arms is called a neuron. The junction between the ends of the arms of various cells is called a synapse. A number of chemicals are involved in providing communication between one nerve and the next within the
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