
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

How can we account for the "Book of the Law" suddenly being discovered during Josiah's renovation of the temple (2 Chron 34:14)? We know from Egypt and Mesopotamia that it was common to seal important documents—including theological documents—in the masonry or foundations of a palace or temple in order to inform a future king who might undertake restoration of the building. What might the...

12:1. father’s household. A man was identified in the ancient world as a member of his father’s household. When the head of the household died, his heir assumed that title and its responsibilities. It is also identified with ancestral lands and property. By leaving his father’s household, Abram was thus giving up his inheritance and his right to family property. 12:1. The covenant promises. Land, family and inheritance were among the most significant elements in ancient society. For farmers and herdsmen
Genesis 12:1