
Matthew is unavailable, but you can change that!

Pastors with a passion for sound exposition have joined forces with scholars with pastoral hearts to produce this exciting new commentary series. These volumes, informed by the best of recent evangelical scholarship, expound the implications of each New Testament book for today's church. Within the unique series format, pastors, teachers and Bible study leaders alike will find clear, forceful...

Jesus as Messiah/King More important than his portrayals of Jesus as teacher and prophet, Matthew hails Jesus as the true King of Israel (21:5–9; 27:29), that is, the Messiah (Christ; 16:16–20). Jesus’ teachings have such authority precisely because he is God’s appointed King. Israel’s prophets had promised a final king or dynasty descended from David (as in Is 9:7; Jer 23:5), a theme that continued in early Judaism (for example, Ps. Sol. 17.21; Fitzmyer 1974:113–26). Because the king was the “anointed