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What is the proper relationship between faith and deeds? How do Christians mature in the faith? What hope can we offer those who face trials of various sorts? How do we learn to control our tongues and not get bogged down with riches? The apostle James faced these questions in profound ways and offered sound pastoral advice to his readers, scattered by persecution. His word to them can become a...

Do Not Swear (5:12)* There is agreement among commentators that the basic point of the instruction in 5:12 is to ensure the integrity of one’s speech without having to rely on oaths. “Let your ‘yes’ be true and your ‘no’ be true” (Dibelius 1976:249). Additional issues surrounding the verse have to do with (1) the relationship of 5:12 with Matthew 5:33–37, (2) the relationship of 5:12 with the rest of James’s text and (3) the specific ways James would intend this verse to be applied. Some observations
James 5:12