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For people beginning to doubt the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ, the author of the book of Hebrews provided one of the longest, most profound arguments in the New Testament. Christians today will find their understanding stretched and their loyalty confirmed by this rich presentation of our great High Priest, the Son of God, whose sacrifice of Himself took away our sins and gave us continual...

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity (3:12–19)* In verses 12–13, this example is now applied to all who read Hebrews. The writer’s argument is: If unbelief kept Israelites out of the land of Canaan (a picture of God’s rest), how much more serious is it today to give way to unbelief and thus miss the greater rest (the rest of justification and salvation). The warning is addressed to the whole assembly (See to it, brothers, … encourage one another daily). These phrases recognize individual responsibility
Hebrews 3:12–19