
Colossians & Philemon is unavailable, but you can change that!

To the Colossians, preoccupied with legal codes and intellectual disputes, Paul wrote a letter stressing not only the centrality of Christ but also the need for Christians to live out their faith in genuine community. Paul's antidote to a privatized and intellectualized faith will provide relief to many Christians today. To Philemon, a powerful church leader, Paul wrote a strong personal letter...

The Fruit of the Gospel (1:9–11)* The second part of Paul’s prayer repeats in reverse order the words and ideas found in 1:3–6, but this time in intercession for the Colossian believers. The content of Paul’s petitions reflects the nature of his pastoral concern. This concern is clearly marked out in the text as a purpose clause: Paul intercedes for the Colossians in order that God may fill you with knowledge so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord. The essence of this “worthy life,” exemplified
Colossians 1:9–11