
1–2 Timothy & Titus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Questions about the nature of Christian leadership and authority, attitudes toward wealth and materialism, proper responses to cults, the role of women in the church, and even the validity of the institution of marriage are not new. Paul addressed these issues in personal letters to Timothy and Titus as leaders of first-century congregations in Ephesus and Crete. What he had to say to them is as...

A quick scan of these letters makes it clear that Paul’s central concern in writing was to give instruction for confronting false teachers and restoring the stability of the churches. Although the descriptions in 1 Timothy and Titus are very similar, the opponents are not precisely the same. They may be “separate manifestations of a general contemporary tendency” (Guthrie 1957:35). If the two letters were written at roughly the same time, this might help to explain the similarity. These emerging