
1 Peter is unavailable, but you can change that!

As a young church in a hostile environment, Peter's first readers found in his letter encouragement, not just for facing suffering, but for living responsibly in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Christians today will also find in Peter's letter a wealth of practical counsel on how to conduct themselves in family and social life, as well as in relation to a society that makes it...

General Instructions (3:8–12) The third part of the Household Code contains instructions addressed to all the members of the church. They are quite brief and are backed by a quotation from Psalm 34:13–17, the same psalm that was already quoted in 2:3. In verse 8 Peter is clearly thinking of relationships between fellow Christians. It is interesting how, having begun with the duties of Christians to other members of their household, whether Christian or non Christian, Peter now finishes with teaching