
1–3 John is unavailable, but you can change that!

When to fight and when to compromise are not always easy choices to make. Stubbornly defending the truth can easily end up in arrogance that discredits the gospel, while too readily seeking middle ground can leave truth by the wayside. Torn by conflict and marred by schism, the congregation to whom John addressed his letters stood in need of his strong exhortations to love and unity within the...

The Character of God Crucial to these epistles is the author’s understanding of the character of God. God is perfectly righteous (1:5, 9; 3:7), faithful (1:9), forgiving (1:9; 2:12), loving (4:7–12, 16, 19), truthful (1:8, 10; 2:20; 4:1–2; 5:20) and pure (1:5, 7; 3:2–3). There is no taint of evil or impurity in God: “God is light; and in [God] there is no darkness at all” (1:5). God’s character is manifested in sending Jesus, the Son of God, as the Savior of the world (4:14). By faith in Jesus people