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St. Francis began Introduction to the Devout Life as a correspondence with a married women looking to increase her spiritual devotion in the midst of a busy life; the result was a layman’s guide to the spiritual life. Each chapter is a short meditation designed to challenge and refocus the believer towards an authentic Christian life. At nearly 120 chapters, Introduction to the Devout Life is the...

with the virtue of the sacraments), cleanses us sufficiently from sin, so when it is great and fervent, it cleanses us from all affections which depend upon sin. A weak hatred makes us loathe and avoid the company of him we hate; but if it be mortal and violent hatred, we not only fly and abhor him, but we detest the conversation even of his friends and kindred; yea, we hate his very picture, and whatsoever belongs to him. So, when the penitent hates his sin, but only with a light, though true contrition,
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