
Introduction to Defending the Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

What do you say when someone argues that God does not exist, or that science has disproved Jesus' resurrection, or that the Bible is filled with errors? How can the average Christian answer objections like these? Noting that all Christians are called upon to defend the faith, Dr. Robert Morey makes clear the principles and attitudes basic to that task as they are expressed in biblical...

then pretends that there is neither light nor sound. 3. Because the basic problem is moral, our approach must be given in terms of a confrontation. We need to confront sinners lovingly with the fact of their sin and boldly and authoritatively to proclaim repentance and faith. We must never believe or act as though Christianity is just one option among many. It is God’s only answer to man’s moral dilemma. D. Shouldn’t the gospel be our main subject? Apologetics may prepare the way for, accompany
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