
Introduction to Defending the Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

What do you say when someone argues that God does not exist, or that science has disproved Jesus' resurrection, or that the Bible is filled with errors? How can the average Christian answer objections like these? Noting that all Christians are called upon to defend the faith, Dr. Robert Morey makes clear the principles and attitudes basic to that task as they are expressed in biblical...

INTRODUCTION Christian apologetics is not the art of apologizing for being a Christian. Neither is it a special calling reserved only for a few Christian “intellectuals.” Rather, it is an activity in which all Christians should be engaged in the normal course of their day to day witnessing for Christ in a world of unbelievers. All Christians have been commissioned by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be Christ’s witness bearers (Matt. 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8). And one very vital and important
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