
Christ in the Tabernacle is unavailable, but you can change that!

Written by W. W. Rugh, the founder of The Bible Institute of Pennsylvania (now Philadelphia College of Bible), this book explains, in brief and simple manner, the typical teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ, as represented in the Old Testament tabernacle. A helpful reference for all who want to delve deeper into the typology of that structure, and an excellent tool for use in...

He did not deal with us on the ground of law, but on the ground of grace, for His love provided a Substitute to be judged in our Place, who by faith laid down His life for us. Rom. 3:21, 22. Because of His love for us, Jesus was willing to be separated from the Father’s presence, that all who believe might come into the presence of our Father and dwell there. This separation of Christ from the Father was what broke His heart and wrung from His lips the heart broken cry, “My God, my God, why hast