
Does Inspiration Demand Inerrancy? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Here Custer surveys answers to the question, “Are there errors in the Bible?” from four perspectives: Liberal, Neo-Orthodox, Neo-Evangelical and strict Conservative. The author emphatically states that the most important answer to this question is the one which Scripture itself gives. In Part I, Custer shows the teaching of Scripture on the doctrine of inspiration; in Part II, he presents the...

CHAPTER V THE NEO-ORTHODOX VIEW OF INSPIRATION Many conservative Christians make the mistake of thinking that Neo-Orthodoxy is just another name for the old Liberalism. In reality there is a distinct difference. Liberalism is a frontal assault upon practically every important doctrine of the Christian faith, whereas Neo-Orthodoxy will outwardly agree with a great many of the major doctrines. Consequently, the points of disagreement must be carefully examined; the doctrine of inspiration is in the
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