
Does Inspiration Demand Inerrancy? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Here Custer surveys answers to the question, “Are there errors in the Bible?” from four perspectives: Liberal, Neo-Orthodox, Neo-Evangelical and strict Conservative. The author emphatically states that the most important answer to this question is the one which Scripture itself gives. In Part I, Custer shows the teaching of Scripture on the doctrine of inspiration; in Part II, he presents the...

communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God” (Ex. 31:18). It is plain that the ten commandments were not drawn up by a committee; they were revealed by God alone. The surprising thing about this, however, is the method of communicating them to mankind. Moses was not even allowed to take the ten commandments down by dictation. They were inscribed by the very hand of God; all Moses could do was to receive them from God. Now some Liberal
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