
A Harmony of the Gospels is unavailable, but you can change that!

A.T. Robertson’s Harmony of the Gospels contains a parallel record of Jesus’ ministry, and serves as an essential book for serious study of the life of Jesus. It is based on a harmony first prepared three decades earlier by J.A. Broadus. Robertson’s Harmony, however, contains significant revisions and updates, incorporating the latest biblical and textual scholarship.

Luke 1:1–4 (Title) Luke is the first critic of the life of Christ whose criticism has been preserved to us. Others had drawn up narratives of certain portions of Christ’s work. Others still had been eyewitnesses of the ministry of Jesus and gave Luke their oral testimony. Luke sifted it all with care and produced an orderly and reasonably full narrative of the earthly ministry of Jesus. We cannot reproduce all the sources that Luke had at his command, but it is clear that he followed in the main
Luke 1:1–4