
Origen: Homilies on Luke and Fragments on Luke is unavailable, but you can change that!

Thirty-nine of Origen’s homilies on the Gospel of Luke survive in Jerome’s Latin translation. Origen preached them in Caesarea, perhaps around 234 or 240, to a congregation of catechumens and faithful. Most of the homilies are short; on average, they treat about six verses of the Gospel and would have lasted between eight and twelve minutes. The first 33 homilies treat chapters one through four...

those who have faithfully believed and have attained what the prophet prays for. They say, “Confirm me in your words.”15 The Apostle, too, says of those who were steadfast and strong, “That you may be rooted and grounded in faith.”16 If anyone is rooted and grounded in faith, he will not be torn up or fall down, even if a storm should arise and winds blow and rain pour down, for his house has been built upon rock with a firm foundation.17 We should not think that steadfastness in faith comes to us
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