
The Holy Spirit: Works & Gifts is unavailable, but you can change that!

Donald Bloesch aptly brings together his grasp of historical and systematic theology as well as his deep concern for spirituality. The fruit of a lifetime of study and devotion, this book masterfully interweaves biblical study, historical overviews and reflection on contemporary developments and issues to shed light on faith in God, the Holy Spirit. On a topic that sadly threatens to divide the...

leads to an obscurantism and dogmatism that can only repel those inquisitive and venturesome spirits who wish to make sense of their faith. The restorationist mentality is apparent in Mother Angelica and the Eternal Word Network, as well as in the Chicago Council on Inerrancy and the Cambridge Declaration.14 Another pitfall we must sedulously strive to avoid is accommodationism, in which we compromise or dilute the message of faith in order to gain a hearing from the culture. The answer to postmodern
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