
Historical Theology In-Depth: Themes and Contexts of Doctrinal Development since the First Century, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 2 of Historical Theology In-Depth covers the writings of reformers, such as Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli, and Calvin; the development of Arminianism and Calvinism; the characteristics of American denominations, referencing key theological figures in each period; and historical views on specific doctrines and societal issues.

impact on Martin Luther. He lectured on these books of Scripture and in this order: (1) Psalms (1513–15) (2) Romans (1515–16) (3) Galatians (1516–17) (4) Hebrews (1517–18) (5) Second series on the Psalms (1518–21) Gradually, Luther was coming to reject the scholastic methods of interpretation. He now began applying the grammatical-historical approach to the Bible. He studied Greek under Melanchthon, while teaching theology to Melanchthon, who joined the faculty in 1518. Luther was converted
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