
Philippians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Logos Bible Software is presenting another first in cutting-edge resources for teachers and pastors! This study in Philippians inaugurates a brand-new series by Logos, the High Definition Commentary. Not only does it provide discourse-based commentary, but also features custom-designed slides to use in your teaching. Each piece of artwork is tailored to illustrate the key ideas of the passage....

This section of the letter transitions from the introduction and preliminary statements to the reason Paul wrote this letter. In 1:12, Paul says that his circumstances in prison are actually advancing the gospel, not hindering it. But why would he say this? What issue is he addressing here? Paul’s goal in this section is to change the Philippians’ perspective on his circumstances. He wants them to see that what appears to be a bad thing is actually a good thing. Why? God is using it. Paul
Philippians 1:12–17