
The Hidden Face of God: Finding the Missing Door to the Father through Lament is unavailable, but you can change that!

At some point in our lives, most of us experience the sense of God’s absence. Rather than letting the distance widen, Michael Card says that this is exactly the time for a deeper pursuit of God. The method he proposes is recovery of the profound, biblical practice of lament. Lament allows our sorrows and suffering to surface in free and courageous expression to God. Lament is the groan of the...

David, in Psalm 139, celebrates God’s inescapability. There is no place we can hide from God, sings the psalmist. He is before and behind, up in heaven and down in the depths, on the far side of the sea. If we are swallowed up in darkness, behold, sings David, He is there. His reality is inescapable. Suffering and God. Superficially, they seem mutually exclusive, like darkness and light, matter and antimatter. What does one have to do with the other? How and at what point could they possibly meet?
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