
Hebrews for Everyone is unavailable, but you can change that!

Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to find our way round the letter to the Hebrews, one of the most bracing and challenging writings in the New Testament. He acknowledges that people often find it difficult, because some of the ideas it contains are strange to us. Yet, like meeting a new friend, he helps us to find it full of interest and delight, with a powerful...

is saying about Jesus. It is as though the exact imprint of the father’s very nature and glory has been precisely reproduced in the soft metal of the son’s human nature. Now it is there for all the world to see. Stay with the image of the emperor and his engraver a moment longer, and think about the opening two verses of this remarkable letter. Supposing the emperor had been wanting for a long time to tell his subjects who he was, to give them a good idea of his character. And supposing the metal
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