
A Simplified Grammar of Biblical Hebrew is unavailable, but you can change that!

This workbook offers 65 lessons to learn and practice patterns and principles of Hebrew grammar. Includes concise explanations, plenty of exercises, and useful charts. The included lessons provide a helpful study tool to enhance student learning.

STEMS: STEMS: QAL QAL PASSIVE NIPHAL PIEL PUAL HIPHIL HOPHAL HITHPAEL G Gp N D Dp H Hp HtD ASPECT, PERSON, AND NUMBER: Person PERF. IMPF. IMPV. JUSS.—COHORT. PARTICIPLES INFINITIVES 3MS 10 20 -- 40 MSA 50 ABS. 60 3FS 11 21 -- 41 FSA 51 2MS 12 22 32 42 MSC 52 2FS 13 23 33 43 FSC 53 1CS 14 24 -- 44 -- -- 3MP 15 25 -- 45 MPA 55 CONST. 65 3FP 26 -- 46 FPA 56 2MP 17 27 37 47 MPC 57 2FP 18 28 38 48 FPC 58 1CP 19 29 -- 49 -- PRONOMINAL SUFFIXES: PERSON SUFFIX 3MS s0 3FS s1